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Posts Tagged ‘Piece of the Week

POTW – Dee Rowe

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Time for the 2nd installment of “Piece of the Week”. Since this is still a new feature, just a quick reminder. POTW is a weekly Friday feature where we share an interesting, well-written, compelling sports article from the week. Not necessarily a piece that got the most publicity, just something that you or I enjoyed reading.

So, click the Submit “Piece of the Week” link on the right and send me your favorite article throughout the week. It could get chosen as the “Piece of the Week”. Of course, if the article or blog post you send in gets chosen you’ll get a shout-out, so include your name, location and Twitter handle (if you have one).

On to this week’s POTW. This one actually comes from my dad! He sent me an excellent article by Bob Ryan from the Boston Globe chronicling the basketball coaching career of Dee Rowe. Coach Rowe might not be a household name across the country, but in New England’s coaching circles he is a basketball legend.

Bob’s article covers Coach Rowe’s early days learning/playing the game in Worcester, Ma., coaching at Worcester Academy and his days at UConn where he helped build the program. The article dives into a few of the people Coach Rowe has mentored including, Bob Cousy, Dave Gavitt, Jim Calhoun and the late Jimmy V. Although, the best endorsements of Coach Rowe I’ve ever received come from my dad and uncle who both played for him at Worcester Academy.

If you’re a basketball historian or coaching junkie then this article is definitely for you.

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Written by Brian Gleason

April 3, 2009 at 12:00 am